rise and shine

edward hopper morning sun

edward hopper’s gorgeous 1952 painting, morning sun, currently resides in the columbus museum of art, but shines its light on any onlooker no matter their location. looking out my brooklyn window early this morning (in a pink gown, no less) i am overcome by the change of season, and the multitude of meaning in this painting. the light reflecting upon her body and forming the stark shadows is ever so important, almost the focal point of the painting. but without that body, the light and its path would be stagnant. on the other hand, despite the open window (always a recurring motif in hopper’s work, and one that even encapsulates david lynch) and the endless possibility of what’s going on outside, the woman appears listless. she is pensive, alert only to her own movements and thoughts. i could go on for a while about how overwhelming this painting is; i will let you devour the beauty on your own. to an autumn full of change, full of art and full of bathing ourselves clean after swimming in all that negativity. by sv