for all you kanye lovers (and haters)

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - SEPTEMBER 12: Kanye West performs live for fans at Qantas Credit Union Arena on September 12, 2014 in Sydney, Australia. (Photo by Mark Metcalfe/Getty Images)

after posting the previous “kenya” west post, one of our beloved collaborators and kanye believer, HK, sent me this clip above, and wrote a few words. so in our ongoing attempt to emulate “the pinnacle of pop culture journalism” (that would be fox news: fair and balanced of course!!) i’m posting this pro kanye vid and our correspondence below which you may find funny.

HK: “watch this. you can’t say this guy is not dope?”

DD: “dude i fail to find any substance here… for me at least… i have no doubt kanye wants to innovate and be a true artist in his own right, but sadly hes incapable of that… because hes naive and uninformed, he’s a simplistic child who’s concerns have not gone past chicks, sex, dick, rebellion and self fame, all of which he explores on the very surface… even after his fame and wealth he still remains a desperate and insecure child wanting to be accepted and praised. not only by the millions of fools he already has, but also by the cultural elite… i would give him an A for effort; vanessa beecroft i like, alejandro jodorowsky i like (even though i never took him seriously, with his fashionable multi culti film that became hot again 10 years ago, but sure nice aesthetic – but not a real players to me), david attenborough i like, he even had some sugimoto thrown in there at some point… all references i could appreciate, but it all comes down to “intent”. they are all accumulated and used on the surface (maybe kanye liked the colors? maybe he liked the naked hot babes? maybe he thought sharks are wicked and manly? maybe he heard this is “hot shit right now”?) he uses culture like a tag, a gucci encrusted shirt you wear to show off, never knowing why… all this is painfully transparent, and it quickly evaporates. as for the people involved, i’m sure they all need and appreciate kanyes fortunes. in a way i almost feel sad for him on some level… but then again i shouldn’t! because ignorance is indeed bliss and i’m sure kanye’s happy and on cloud nine at this very moment… he has his millions of fans, i think it’s ok for me not to be one of them. i mean lets be serious, this man looked around, and of all the passionate people involved in literature, arts, science, music, which he supposedly loves, he chose kim kardashian as his soulmate… as the one person to share his life and his “so advanced” thoughts?  let’s not drink the coolaid (i just saw the docu on jim jones by the way)?

HK: ha ha, can’t defend the kim move other then shaped by his up bringing. only bad thing you are not seeing is how he is breaking crazy new ground for the hiphop genre, but also setting a new standard for pop music performance in general. i think probably also you are hating on him bringing all of this into the mainstream realm, you want to have your little elitist heros “only you” know about, and he made it big time so he can pick and choose and brings it to the forefront of pop culture. compare him to any rapper or other pop cultural figure, and take into account his upbringing as a low income kid from south side of chicago, murder capital of the world, where 99% of the people you see are dead, in jail or just mad fucked up and see what he chooses to do, and then you will have to respect him!

DD: love you HK you are such a sweety pie. you know pop culture bores me to death when it doesn’t drive me insane, but sure, u know i sympathize with my brothers, i’ll give kanye credit for not being dead, in jail, or mad fucked up. see i’m reasonable and quite flexible. xx by dd+hk