the gravest moment in life

a man said:

–the gravest moment in my life took place in the battle of the Marne, when they wounded me in the chest.

another man said:

–the gravest moment in my life, occurred during a Yokohama seaquake, from which I was miraculously saved, sheltered under the eaves of a lacquer shop.

and another man said:

–the gravest moment in my life happens when I sleep during the day.

and another said:

–the gravest moment of my life has taken place in my greatest loneliness.

and another said:

–the gravest moment in my life was my imprisonment in a Peruvian jail.

and another said:

–the gravest moment in my life is having surprised my father in profile.

and the last man said:

–the gravest moment in my life is yet to come.

the words of peruvian poet and all around genius in any language, cesar vallejo.  exploiting our gravest moments in the simplest language, beautiful.   by sv