the powers of katsu

katsu power of ten eames graffiti power of katsu

now that katsu did the first drone graffiti in the world on the latest kendall jenner ck billboard, we thought it was a good opportunity to post the great graffiti version of the classic eames movie, powers of ten. by kt


bas jan ader the fall amsterdam 1970


bas jan ader, the dutch conceptual artist and anomaly that disappeared at sea in the atlantic ocean. one of my favorite shots above from his series “the fall”. by sp

abandoned hotels





as if time has stood still since the last occupant. eerie does not even begin to describe what urban explorer thomas windisch has captured of the present state, vacated and forgotten hotels of austria. marvel at these snapshots from the link above. by lb


“see, i will always have this penchant for what i call kamikaze women. i call them kamikazes because they, you know they crash their plane, they’re self destructive.
but they crash into you, and you die along with them.”

woody allen

csys lamp

jake dyson csys 1

jake dyson csys 3

jake dyson csys lamp

jake dyson csys 2

if you need a new floor or desk lamp, we highly recommend the csys lamp, designed by jake dyson (yes, its the son of the legendary vacuum designer james dyson). the beauty in the design comes from a highly technical and sophisticated approach to improve the longevity of the led bulbs and to enhance the user experience when adjusting the position of the light source. it’s revitalizing to see a designer developing a new lamp (since we really don’t need yet another one…) with a purely functionality approach and where the aesthetic is a byproduct of the construction rather than a mindless shell. by kt