the opposite sex

there is a theory being tested in our office these days: should men wear women fragrance, and vice versa, in order to attract the opposite sex? do women like a man that smells of roses and jasmine? you tell me. meanwhile, this month hermes in launching three new unisex fragrances; eau de pamplemousse rose, eau de gentiane blanche and eau d´orange vert. problem solved! by kv

le labo scented tins

keep your eyes and nose open for le labo’s new scented candles, available in May. we are the first to announce it so remember you saw it here. as always we are on the search for the ultimate enlightenment and what better than a scented candle… and yes we love the stoned washed tin cans; rustic and chic. by kv

Le labo oud 27

oud, which by the way was the predecessor of the modern lute and eventually the guitar, when it was first brought to spain, is not only the name of my favorite string instrument but now a scent. Le Labo is launching their first scent in three years, and it’s called Oud 27. their latest arrival was introduced this wednesday! expect cedar, agar wood, black pepper and some air of scheherazade. i for one cant wait to get my hands on it. by dd

The perfect gift – le labo

le labo store on elizabeth street, new york city

each winter the task of gift hunting weighs upon us and we run around new york looking for that perfect gift. this last winter I met the frenchman, fabrice le labo, one of the founders of le labo fragrances. charming as you’d expect from a young frenchman, but also quite intellectually aware and a lovely candidate for a drink, at least in my book.

the shop on elizabeth street is unassuming, like most shops on my old street where I lived for 12 years before i moved to tribeca. but inside you’ll find a dashing selection of scents not only custom made but also bearing your very name. i had one of my dear clients from LVMH here from paris and guess what she asked for upon her arrival? to have her favorite scent picked up for her at le labo. our intern of course obliged. the reason? the only place le labo is available in paris is at the overplayed glam store colette. But now you can walk into their NY or Tokyo stores and get the full experience. for unfortunate uptowners there’s barneys but who shops there anymore? maybe mark borthowick ; ) by uh