peace now: some words of wisdom from charles mingus

charles mingus at a peace rally circa 1967

charles mingus – don’t let it happen here

“…one day they came and they took the communists, and i said nothing because i was not a communist.

then one day they came and they took the people of the Jewish faith, and i said nothing because i had no faith.

then one day they came and took the unionists, and i said nothing because i was not a unionist.

they burned the Catholic churches one day, and i said nothing because i was a protestant.

one day they came and they took me, and i could say nothing because i was as guilty as they were of genocide, destroying the rights of any man to live…”

some great words by charles mingus, genuine people should follow them regardless of the parties – follow them when they effects the jews and follow them when they effects the palestinians. cease fire now, free the hostages, stop the illegal settlements, demand a just peace, there is no humane alternative – by xy



“the more relaxed you are, the better you are at everything: the better you are with your loved ones, the better you are with your enemies, the better you are at your job, the better you are with yourself.”

bill murray

quote of the day

“day by day and night by night we were together,—all else has long been forgotten by me…”

-walt whitman, once I pass’d through a populous city, leaves of grass


quote of the day


“nothing was ever in tune. people just blindly grabbed at whatever there was: communism, health foods, zen, surfing, ballet, hypnotism, group encounters, orgies, biking, herbs, catholicism, weight-lifting, travel, withdrawal, vegetarianism, india, painting, writing, sculpting, composing, conducting, backpacking, yoga, copulating, gambling, drinking, hanging around, frozen yogurt, beethoven, bach, buddha, christ, tm, h, carrot juice, suicide, handmade suits, jet travel, new york city, and then it all evaporated and fell apart. people had to find things to do while waiting to die. i guess it was nice to have a choice.”

-charles bukowski, women, 1978