blow [me] up





the lingering obsession with antonioni’s 1966 film blow up might have been answered in an upcoming book titled the antonioni adventure by george porcari.

excerpt from page 84 and 85

“siegfried kracauer described the detective as an essentially modern figure who is on a rational quest for meaning and narrative closure.  it is the detective who uses logic, keen observation and deductive skills to assemble fragmentary details into a meaningful narrative and thereby arrive at the truth, but does he?  blow-up is a meditation on this question.” – george porcari

Ash Stymest " Select, SoPopular, Daniel Blechman, Luisa " Viva Berlin

observing life’s narrative, to search for a truth that may or may not be obtainable, might be exactly what creates intrigue.  for me, i can’t help but meditate on that. by jj