
don’t know what it is or where it’s from but what i know is that it’s really nice! by pp.

apc & marc & paul & sofia

recently encountered the new and gleaming website of one of the best french export after cheese, LA art director marc atlan. among some nice thing from the 90’s is this ads he did not so long ago for an other great french export, apc. that was shot by paul jasmin and it’s hard to top!
among others, i would say that sofia coppola might had a look at it when thinking about her late release “somewhere” by pp.

more pierre le-tan

still can’t find much about the man on the net. but tells a bit more about his universe thought. something of a medley including a portrait of shy french writer patrick modiano, a not so shy new york skyline, some wildford manor pages and views of the studio by mister terestchenko. what else? by pp.

sweetest picture ever

this image by robin schwartz from amelias world is so fairy tale its not funny… and it works… my only problem is that i cant help but think of lime disease and all those lousy people, i mean parasites, in the hamptons. but thats my problem not amelias, so well done. by dd