emperors new clothes?

emperors new clothes t-shirts, also known as ENC, running at about $38, are worn by ‘funny’ people and celebs alike. i guess sometimes, when you try, you’re lucky enough to hit the right nerve in society. so don’t forget that, and “please don’t feed the models”! by kv

happy birthday KL!!!

we know that kl doesn’t want to celebrate, or even mention it but… whatever!
happy birthday!!! with thanks to miles aldrige by the entire tm crew

wet dreams

i am dying to get out of new york and go for a swim in a lake or sea somewhere. this is exactly how i imagine it will feel! this beautiful image of anna selezneva taken for china vogue is my inspiration. by kl

Cathy Daley – doll parts

“drawing on persistent cultural images inspired by ballerina tutus, the garb of fairy-tale princesses and barbie doll couture, my work investigates childhood memories of what it means to be female in western culture and explores cultural representation of the feminine and the body. the drawings mine contemporary vocabularies of glamour, fashion, popular culture, cartoons, street signage, hollywood cinema, fairy tales, and mythology, to examine the iconography of the feminine as it exists in the cultural imaginary, personal memory, and fantasy.”
Cathy Daley was born in toronto in 1955. by kl

le labo scented tins

keep your eyes and nose open for le labo’s new scented candles, available in May. we are the first to announce it so remember you saw it here. as always we are on the search for the ultimate enlightenment and what better than a scented candle… and yes we love the stoned washed tin cans; rustic and chic. by kv

spring is in the air

finally new york is in a spring feeling! we get to enjoy the sun and the earth and walking hand in hand through the eden fields of central park. ps. beware the hand of global warming overhead. by kl