Qui êtes vous Polly Maggoo?

nothing new, but one of the many william klein films with his wife peggy moffit.  i met him over lunch and have worked with him for many many years.  he is and has been an inspiration and not to mention a lovely person. saw this clip and it made me want to share it. by uh

For Pina Bausch: with love, Wim Wenders

is it dance? is it art? is it life? is it a dream? whatever it is, it’s the first 3d movie/film i’ve anticipated the arrival of. too many performances missed at BAM. finally, a bridge away from inconvenient early evening viewing times and to ‘the masses’. is this the sort of democracy we want? all we can do is wait… and see. ps.props to poppy.  by kl

what goes around comes around

forget about giant the film (and the poster) being inspired by a certain edward hopper’s famous painting, forget about alfred hitchcock psycho’s famous shot being certainly inspired by both… now, how about this levis ad? yes my friend, what comes around goes around, but more obviously when the purpose is to sell you anything. by pp.

tuxedo moon: nothing short of brilliance

‘tv party’ was a punk cable show hosted by andy warhol’s associate glenn o’brien as well as chris stein (blondie’s guitarist). here we have blain (violin) and steven (keyboard) peter (bass). you can get the series on dvd or on netflix, just search for TV party and then sit and wonder what happened to our music where we’re left with so much shit that some of us actually think lady gaga is not that bad. by dd

boby lapointe – framboise

was watching the criterion collection 2nd DVD with interviews on the film the other night, and although aznavor will always be the star of “shoot the piano player” …boby lepointe will always be my man. love the song, the words, the look. unfortunately, the actual version of the song framboise is not as cool as the version recorded in the film by the m. aznavor rhythm section. by dd

from Palmolive soap to Jean Luc Godard

anna karina in her palmolive advert days
the revamped anna karina under JLG’s spell

not sure what style.com is exactly talking about when they refer to anna karina not being “as well known”. that’s like saying, who is roland barthes? (if you are asking that very question then you are on the wrong blog). what style.com failed to mention after stating that godard had received an honorary oscar in november 2010, is that he declined to accept it. what i didn’t know however, and i’m happy to know from style.com is that coco chanel had a thing or two to do about her discovery. however even coco, the queen of fashion, couldn’t save anna from palmolive… that credit goes solely to god… ard!!

my favorite films with anna are: band of outsiders, une femme est une femme, masculin féminin and pierrot le fou… all worth the trouble. by dd

the conformist at film forum

bernardo bertolucci’s “the conformist” is on screen at film forum. besides the story and everything that makes this movie on top of every list, it’s worth seeing just to realize how it was and still is one of the greatest references for people defining today’s visual surroundings.  it has inspired everyone from david lynch to steven meisel, who totally plundered every single shot of the movie. a must see! btwn us, if you’re in nyc, such a movie is better on screen by pp.