red shoes

elvis says that the angels wanna wear them, and bowie says to put them on and dance the blues.  either way, this little one seems to be having a time. by sv

avedon at the gagosian

this fantastic exhibit, which runs through july at the gagosian gallery, features andy warhol and his factory kids, the chicago seven, the mission council of the vietnam war, and my personal favorite—the one and only allen ginsberg.  the photos of ginsberg range from above to more personal shots of his family.  the juxtaposition of subjects in this exhibit is mind-boggling; it ranges from the radical to the politically erect.  standing in the center of the gallery amidst a whirlwind of the 1960’s, this is a must-see for anyone with half a mind. by sv

what if i should fall right through the center of the earth

it is one of those weeks where I would like to encounter anthropomorphic creatures down my own little rabbit hole, and end up on the other side of the world.  here instead, is a viscerally dangerous manhole in the middle of a sidewalk in Danyang, China.  thirty feet deep and infinitely explicit.  more seen here.  photo by jason lucas.  by sv

hooray for perfectionism

jason lucas is a photographer and creative many times over in his own right.  lucas’ work is centered on exploring the paradigms between the typical and unexpected, territory like dark matter, that which exists but is often inexplicable.  all the while, incorporating beauty and its imperfections that are often neglected in common discussions of visuality. he provokes a visceral angst that exercises both meaning and intuition.  I find myself most often interested when the artist overcomes me, and it is a serene feeling of satisfaction.  the same feeling is evident in all of jason’s photographs, in each shot there is a visible spectrum of stability.  more of his beautiful work can be seen here  by sv


Parasomnia – BY Viviane Sassen

i love how photographer vivian sassen‘s fashion work is hidden on her site under ‘commissioned works’, rightly so though, as her various series exploring her african nostalgia are so much more special.
parasomnia was an exhibition at the MoMA last year. parasomnia is a category of sleep disorder whose symptoms include abnormal dreams, nightmares, and sleepwalking. in these surreal pictures, sassen invites us to follow her on a journey through the mysterious remnants of her memories.  by kl

edouard levé

i don’t know if the late edouard levé was the first (and the only) one to do this kind of images but i think it’s definitely making a point. i remember  diesel look book from when this brand was edgy with this kind of pictures. mister levé also did a rugby version which is a pretty nice example of action taken out of context. a bit dated but still pretty fresh. by pp.