scorcese 10 favorites movie posters

i’m not very proud of my source here but a certain magazine is featuring the 10 favorite movie posters of martin scorcese as well as an interview of the man to go with the release of a coffee table book celebrating hollywood’s vintage movie posters.
here is an extract “For me, and anyone who grew up before a certain time—sometime in the 1980s I’d say—posters were a key part of the moviegoing experience. You’d walk through the lobby, and you’d look at the poster, usually accompanied by lobby cards and often by stills and promotional language, of the film you were about to see, and the one that was coming next. You’d hold and absorb the image in your mind’s eye. Part of the excitement then was in watching the actual film and comparing it with the possible or likely film you’d conjured up during the few seconds you’d looked at the poster.” the rest is here and the book is here. by pp’ 😉