bill willis – marrakesh

bumped into this extremely interesting article about the late marrakshi legend, decorator bill willis.
it’s in the new york times ( of course) and very well written by christopher petkanas for his column called “fabulous dead people”… how witty is that?
i could certainly tell you about mister willis but you should really read the article instead.
just to lure you a bit, mister willis lived the morocco of the 70’s around mister saint laurent, the stones, the getty’s and so on. he’s truly one of those larger than life character.
strange enough it’s rather difficult to find anything about the man on the net… so images are the same than nyt.
there should be a lot of documentation about his work in the great ivan terestchenko’s book about ysl and berge’s estates (pictures above are ysl’s marrakesh home) but i’m not sure which one can be credited to willis and which one can be credited to grange. by pp.