what is wrong with the palestinians?

a pretty IDF soldier checks our reporter

a deeply personal documentary, dena spends a day in hebron retracing the footsteps of her father, who was born and raised in hebron. our reporter is given a tour by a kind hearted Israeli IDF ex-soldier. it is a look at life before october 7th massacres in the palestinian west bank territories which was and is not controlled by hamas

while these stories of human suffering can be heart breaking, i hope you can see there are good and righteous people everywhere including the IDF which you may believe to be harsh as they defend their country. there are also so many israeli’s who have stood up against the collateral damage that is the killing of innocent woman and children and do not support netanyahu. as long as there is hate and bigotry on either side there will be no peace and both governments are guilty of not delivering that to the good people of each side.

finally this can not be watched without a bit of history on how this country came to be and why. “how israel was created

please educate yourselves by reading and watching multiple sides of the same story and judge for yourself. everything is biased, some are more biased than others. I find these to be factual and fair, but that is me.

if you watch this and you feel hatred in you, you are falling for the trap that is set for us all. understand your world and know that no one people can be all bad or good. there are good people and bad people in every country and culture. if this makes you hate all jews know that you have succumbed to oldest of racist means. you can condemn an act of a government or a group but to assign that guilt to their family and neighborhood and all such people is what we all must condemn. by xy