Bohemian Rhapsody by Kanye West.. vs Freddie Mercury : )

freddie mercury’s reaction to kanye west (direct link) hilarious

and the trailer for the film Bohemian Rhapsody – great mix on the audio

and the notorious bicycle race making of video shot at wimbledon

queen, much like kanye, definitely had their embarrassing moments and songs but unlike kanye, they did also have some incredible masterpieces. a man with a golden voice and intriguing lyrics. cant wait to see it. by dd

Us vs. sweden: we have vloggers and so do they!

“this is my very first vlog EVER!” says alissa violet, making the world a better place one video at a time

and here’s the swedish equivalent, elin ersson, who was being trashed by haters for doing all of this for some fame and attention!! oh really? refugee deportation from gothenburg to Afghanistan the perfect topic for teenage fame.

I mean how horrible can people be to look past the brave efforts of this young girl, risking financial and physical damage to save a strangers life she believes is at risk. these horrible people consider her action to be fueled by self promotion? if this is how people do self promotion, and chase after their 5 minutes of fame, then be it… how fantastic that would be. yuuuuuge respects for swedish lioness elin ersson, so impressed with your bravery and conviction the world needs more of you. aside from the julian assange incident, i think i simply love sweden and even more now. we love you erin xx. by kt

slot cars: the original interactive game…

the beatles, playing with now considered vintage slot cars back in the 1960’s

john lennon approved! need we say more…

history of slot racing PART I

scalextric out of UK was the first manufacturer of what we know today as slotcars.

here is a little history about how these toys came to be and how they died out on a mass level but flourished in cult communities after the invention of video games. scalextric are quietly flourishing today under hornby. but they are beginning to come back in a strange way, from car commercials featuring slot cars (audi even making a experiential track complete with ipad camera view), to barneys new york using a slot  car track in their NY window displays, to pierre hardy using slot cars for their campaign, to a $300,000 model offered at neiman marcus created by slotmods!!!! and all the way down to a simple set for under $200 that you can pick up online at carrera toys.

cars meant something beyound bling and power. before alexander mcqueen designed looks for lady gaga, his older uncle, steve mcqueen, drove around in the coolest cars… actually im joking doubt they are related.

a very rare “Fly” slot car model of steve mcqueen’s porsche 917K in gulf livery… yes thats a camera in the front. Steve used that to shoot his film “le mans” worth a watch.

history of slot racing PART II

there are still several manufacturers besides scalextric such as carrera slot cars out of germany, slot it out of italy,  AFX and autoart out of the US an many from places like australia, spain, and even france.

a blue buggatti type 251 by cartrix made in recent years…

and here’s a little natgeo video of how this stuff was made.

a recent issue of a vintage lotus in high detail by scalextric 1 of only 4000…


this is america

this is america

by childish gambino

something funny, something real, something truthful, well seems to hit a few chord with me. donald glover aka childish gambino’s music video this is america is worth a listen and a look. by bh

in honor of the persian new year here is a clip of the bygone golden days

above the 2500 year celebration party, “decadence and downfall : the worlds most expensive party”

and now that we are on this topic; here is “the fall of the shah” about the revolution of 1979. this may also be of interest.

the deposed shah of iran had a massive party to celebrate the 2,500 years of the persian empire, inviting the heads-of-state from around the world. it was the party of the century and monarchs, and the like, hustled to insure the right seats at the table. this of course was just a few year before the revolution and the beginning of islamic republic of iran. fun little movie from BBC – documenting the 2500 year celebration of the persian heritage. happy norouz, and for the rest of you happy first day of spring. by dd

Viken Arman live

what an awesome landscape….

viken arman killing it live.. and what a location to hang and grab a drink?

of armenian heritage, viken arman is a french producer, born and raised in paris.

sorry for being lazy I have nothing much to say other that i enjoyed this clip and the music, in case you are interested about him here is a blurb not written by me: “viken arman, along with a generation of like-minded artists, is pushing the boundaries of electronic music not only towards the future, but also towards the past. fusing ancient melodies with electronic beats to create magical vibes that go beyond dance music brings rich cultures together in mystical musical journeys. growing up with jazz and classical music, he draws influence from a very versatile music background from keith jarett, erik satie, bill evans, jay dilla, ricardo villalobos to the arabic diva oum khalthoum. his knowledge of piano as well as his time at the music conservatory contributed to his wide musical culture. as an artist, viken is really close to this roots & history. «never forget, never, but stay turned towards the future, rebuild yourself and go forward» he said regarding TIME, the 100 mins musical creation he composed for the 100th year anniversary of the armenian genocide. when he’s not making music, viken focuses his energy to support and nurture this particular and rich music scene even further. he founded denature records which, as he describes it, is more than just a label but more of a family of artists. he also pledged to support young and upcoming talents from around the world as well as organizing his own events with the SOUQ festival. his music is ingrained with organic influences and reveals the passionate explorer that he embodies”. by dd

Amok Science: Did the Polio vaccine in congo created the AIDS virus?

hilary koprowski was the target of accusations in the press, an allegation long refuted by “evidence” showing that the HIV-1 virus was introduced to humans long before his polio-vaccine trials were conducted in africa. however, the “evidence” is disputed and targeted in this documentary.

polio (oral) vaccine used in belgian congo as an experiment

I must say that I’m a total supporter of vaccines, and I believe strongly in the opinion of the scientific community. but like all good things that can go astray, I do have serious concerns about the lack of honesty, greed and monetary realities of the pharmaceutical complex. it is very very possible that this was a lapse of judgement, or involved a handful of bad apples, but it had to be suppressed in order to salvage the confidence of the public, save the moral standing of the west and avoid financial disaster for the pharmaceutical companies involved. that is very plausible and this documentary by channel four surely raises those doubts and drills holes into the conclusion of the royal society. watch it, judge for yourself, but don’t form an opinion till you research this thoroughly. by dd

whoa! werner “herzog on kenya west” the world is ending


ok i was floored to hear my hero, werner herzog, would spent even a minute on kanye west, but he did, and its not what you think.


“he was impressed” i was told?

he said this video was “fascinating” and contained what he called a “parallel story” a confusion of reality and fiction, “this is very good stuff” and he said if “kenya west” would apply to his school he would consider the film maker of this clip as a student at his school… i realized at that point that my world had ended… but read on…


the video included fake wax figures of caitlyn jenner, bill crosby, kanye west, taylor swift, kim kardashian and amber rose, note that these are fake! unlike kim kardashian, caitlyn jenner and amber rose who are “totally real”.


below: artist vincent desiderio 2008 sleep painting, the inspiration for kanye’s “work of art”


now for the record here, let me clarify that herzog did not go and review this shit piece of a clip. this was shown to him for the first time by a young, eager, editor at the daily beast, jen yamato. why she works at daily beast is beyond comprehension but i suppose we all have to eat.

so here is what werner herzog “actually” said, i will now translate for you in english, so please put on your best german accent and repeat out loud…. “zanx jen for interviewing me on your shit filled celeb blog, im not very sure why i am here, but i can imagine you must be zick of covering pop culture and needed to drag me into this to zave some portion of your lost soul. but ok  lets make some converzation zince the camera is rolling… thiz iz an interesting veedeo. it delves into the realm of reality and fiction, nature and man…. and most importantly mans insanity… and his naive dezire to kontrol and deform nature… which of koze he desperately fails at… you may remember fritz geraldo? right. ok… so this is indeed a fazinating film for a young starving artists… and if he or she (cause herzog doesn’t even know about kanye) would ever apply to my zchool i may actually coinzider him/her az a student. i of course say this becauz none of the students who apply to my school can spend more zan $2 on their application films, and thiz film looks pretty damn good for a $2 film, not to menzion a young azpiring film student…”

so lets not get all excited here… herzog is in no way endorsing this self indulged, machismo inspired, naive infantile embarrassment of a work by, as he would call him, “kenya west”. ok? my world has not ended, and herzog has not blessed kanye in any way. you can all go home now. have a good weekend. by dd


Birth, fish, bubble, sex, needle, and death… have we intrigued you enough?

a beautifully curious film…

directed by cyrille de vignemont

as a music video for poni hoax (antibodies) the french electro band

featuring controversial diptych of fish/birth, needle/skin and my favorite; naked ikura! enjoy!

poni hoax antibodies music video

a beautifully curious film for an otherwise not so interesting lyrics and mediocre track. a good reminder of how great talent can make anything ordinary into something extra ordinary. the visuals are so curious they draw you in, but they are not just sensationalist fodder, they begin to align and draw parallels in your mind, the needle that begs to penetrate that floating balloon, the fish gasping for air, and saturn devouring its children… like any good piece of literature or film, what they all mean is up to interpretation, so let it all sink in. the world needs more of this and less of byonce’s silly rhetoric and infantile erotic choreography. the above clip reminds us of another great video we wrote about, perhaps one of our favorite music videos for yet another mediocre band; scissor sisters. you may want to check that out as well, your welcome to turn the sound off. by xy

here’s a film on godard written by anna about love: funny how godard only made love stories that had nothing to do with love?

louis garrel and stacy martin as jean-luc godard and anne wiazemsky

and the real GOD (ard)!

redoubtable a film about jean-luc godard by michel hazanavicius

sorry folks, but a movie on jean-luc godard to us, is like a movie about mohammad to the isis crew – we have no choice but to issue a full fatwah against the director. i’m sure we’ll have to go see it, just to rag on it. i anticipate this will be like the serge gainsbourg film “a heroic life”, which won the prestigious gold award for worse title ever… disappointing and somewhat of a shame. by ars + dd

and now for some fake news: but a fun documentary – the dubious friends of donald trump

look at that pretty deal-maker face… and those gull wing collars on that jacket! def not a  loser!

this is a documentary about “…trump’s business and personal ties to oligarchs from the former soviet union, and their connections with the netherlands…”

part II: why is oprah the screen shot for this film when shes completely irrelevant to the film? – Aha! this is a black conspiracy… clearly!

part II covers “donald trump’s controversial friends, including billionaire Lev Leviev, suspected of trading in blood diamonds. He is one of the world’s biggest diamond traders and owns prestigious stores in new york and moscow, but he is also the owner of siebel, the netherlands’ biggest jewellery chain. leviev has ties with russian president putin, US president trump and his son-in-law and senior adviser jared kushner. trump, however, claims he hardly knows this “king of diamonds.”

who made this documentary? zembla. they are a dutch television program. the documentaries are based on in-depth research. a documentary in 2001 about fraud in the dutch construction sector led to parliamentary inquiries. in may 2006, the program exposed the fact that politician ayaan hirsi ali had lied in her claim for asylum, which led to her resignation from parliament. this documentary was made in 2017 it has not lead to any resignations yet! more on zembla.

happy watching and for any accurate reporting please refer to breitbart news, or your facebook feed from friends. by ar